Thursday, January 28, 2010


I'm not one to really relish in pessimistic thoughts. Rather, I like to take a pro-active approach when things go wrong. Still, there are times when I like to get out my soap box and say the things that no one wants to hear - that people, in general, are stupid, and need to get over their stupid selves.

I have a lot of good advice and a lot of cool ideas that, if people actually used, would make the world a better place.

These tidbits of information rarely go used however, and I feel it is my duty to call others out when they come crawling back, complaining to me about how their lives suck.

Well, my life isn't perfect either, so where can I crawl when times are rough? No where. This is because people don't like to give me the time of day to express my opinion, even though I seem to have all the time in the world for them. Pyschologists don't help - they just say, "You need someone you can talk to, someone to confide in."

So I have created my virtual soap box.

Don't like what you hear?

Go fuck yourself.

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